Tag Archives: content writing

Finding a client’s voice when writing for them

Text saying 'in pursuit of magic' on pink background

The best compliment I ever had from a client is that I had managed to capture their voice. That I was able to write as though it was them writing the content, not me doing it on their behalf. Ghost-writing – writing content for someone else – is an art. It takes more than putting […]

Briefing your content writer: 5 things they need to know

Hand showing five fingers

Briefing your content writer: 5 things they need to know Let’s say you run your own business – large, small, micro, it doesn’t matter. Now let’s assume that you want to attract more clients, or you want to stay in touch with the ones you have. As a business owner, you barely have time to […]

Imposter syndrome: How to silence the negative voice

two empty chairs at a desk in the shadows

Imposter syndrome: How to silence the negative voice I work alone most of the time. It’s one of the perks (or perils?) of running my own solo business. I love what I do and I enjoy it, even if I do occasionally miss being part of a team. But every so often, Imposter Syndrome pulls […]

Copywriting or content writing: What is the difference?

Two empty chairs at a desk in the shadows

Copywriting or content writing: what is the difference? If I were a betting person, I’d wager that you’ve heard both terms before but are unsure which is which. You may even be using them interchangeably; you won’t be the first or last to do that. I’ll let you in on my secret; when I first […]