Tag Archives: editing

How being part of an accountability group improved my business

Hands next to each other signalling support on the trunk of a tree

About a year ago, I set up an accountability group of fellow editors. I wanted some support with setting marketing goals and putting them into action. Normally a confident self-starter, it was something I was struggling to do working alone and stuck at home. What does this have to do with editing and writing and […]

7 things to include in the brief to your proofreader

The number seven on a signpost

7 things to include in the brief to your proofreader Congratulations! You’ve made the business decision to hire a proofreader to get your written material in good shape. Now what? The next step is to put together a brief that will show your proofreader what it is you would like them to do. This will […]

Imposter syndrome: How to silence the negative voice

two empty chairs at a desk in the shadows

Imposter syndrome: How to silence the negative voice I work alone most of the time. It’s one of the perks (or perils?) of running my own solo business. I love what I do and I enjoy it, even if I do occasionally miss being part of a team. But every so often, Imposter Syndrome pulls […]