Category Archives: Working with an editor

Useful tools for working remotely

Laptop by a window overlooking mountains. Having the right tools for remote working.

When I first started my editing and writing business, it was so that I could travel while working remotely. Yes, I was (and still am) one of those digital nomads. The ones you see sitting in cafés with a laptop and a cup of coffee – earphones optional! It’s so easy to do nowadays that […]

How being part of an accountability group improved my business

Hands next to each other signalling support on the trunk of a tree

About a year ago, I set up an accountability group of fellow editors. I wanted some support with setting marketing goals and putting them into action. Normally a confident self-starter, it was something I was struggling to do working alone and stuck at home. What does this have to do with editing and writing and […]

7 things to include in the brief to your proofreader

The number seven on a signpost

7 things to include in the brief to your proofreader Congratulations! You’ve made the business decision to hire a proofreader to get your written material in good shape. Now what? The next step is to put together a brief that will show your proofreader what it is you would like them to do. This will […]

Copywriting or content writing: What is the difference?

Two empty chairs at a desk in the shadows

Copywriting or content writing: what is the difference? If I were a betting person, I’d wager that you’ve heard both terms before but are unsure which is which. You may even be using them interchangeably; you won’t be the first or last to do that. I’ll let you in on my secret; when I first […]

The difference between proofreading and copyediting: Which do you need?

Write without fear, edit without mercy sign

The difference between proofreading and copyediting: which do you need? If you don’t work in the publishing industry, you may not know the difference between proofreading and copyediting. And that’s okay. There’s probably no need for you to know the difference between them, is there? When it comes to finalising your work, before pressing the […]